THE BERIMBAU - Heart of Capoeira
by Alex Pertout
​The berimbau consist of a wooden stick which is strung with a steel string to form the bow shape, a gourd with an opening on one side which acts as a resonator, a coin or stone, a thin bamboo stick, and a basket shaker called caxixi. Traditionally in capoeira (the Brazilian martial arts style) the berimbau rhythms are accompanied by the following percussion instruments; pandeiro (a tambourine with a head and flat jingles), agogo bells (two iron bells), reco reco (a bamboo scrapper) and atabaque (tall barrell style hand drum). All these instruments give the capoeira a very distinctive and unique sound. During the jôgo de capoeira (game of capoeira) various traditional, folkloric and improvised songs are sung accompanied by clapping.

In my personal experience with the berimbau, I own several instruments made in Brazil, as well as one I crafted myself, which I must admit has a truly remarkable tone. My first encounter with the berimbau was on an Airto Moreira recording, and I was immediately captivated by its unique sound and rhythms. In the beginning, totally inspired by his playing and due to the lack of available instruments, I soon went on to make my very first berimbau.
I’m drawn to the berimbau primarily for its musical qualities, which I often integrate into my original compositions and performances. On my debut album, there’s a piece titled 'Manaus' where I feature two berimbaus, the fundamental notes tuned a fourth apart. Additionally, my composition 'Friendship' is included on the album 'Flight' by the renowned Australian saxophonist Brian Brown (Newmarket 3014.2) and later also on my 'From The Heart' release. This piece is deeply rooted in the rhythmic patterns, or toques, of the berimbau, which shape its core essence.
Here to follow is an example of a traditional toque, the Toque de Angola. The musical staff includes from the bottom the caxixi part, the low tone (first space), the buzz tone (on third space) and the high tone (fourth space).

The technique of playing the berimbau is unique and quite hard to master, as you not only have to hold the bow and balance it with the left hand, but are also required to hold a coin or stone with the thumb and first finger. The right hand holds the stick which strikes the string. It also holds a small basket shaker called caxixi, which plays along with the stick and also plays independent strokes. The basic sounds played with the stick are: high tone (with the coin or stone pressed against the string), buzz tone (with the coin or stone pressed lightly on the string) and low tone (open string note). The left hand with the coin also produces a very soft passing or in between tone.
The berimbau can produce distinctive rhythms called toques that are easily recognised by the capoeristas (capoeira game participants). Some of this toques de berimbau are common to all schools, while others are developed by different mestres (masters) and played by their students. Some of these rhythms are related to African nations such as Angola and Ijexa, some refer to Catholic saints, while some were used to alert the participants. As an example the rhythms known as aviso and cavalaria were used traditionally to advise the participants of the arrival of a stranger, the police, or the cavalry squadron to the circle.

The practice of using the berimbau outside of its traditional role is not always appreciated by many associated with capoeira. According to Almeida (1986) "many berimbau players are not capoeristas, because the instrument can be played out of the context of capoeira, as in samba de roda, or even as a rhythmical instrument in contemporary music." And although he makes mention of Nana Vasconcelos and Paulinho Da Costa as "two excellent percussionists who produce extraordinary effects with the berimbau", he somehow expresses the view that "the exclusive use of the berimbau to make music with no relation to capoeirais for me not correct."

© 1995 Alex Pertout. Published by Drumscene Magazine​.
Highly recommended recordings featuring the berimbau include:
â–ª Capoeira Senzala De Santos
Capoeira, Samba de Roda, Maculelê (Buda 92575-2)
â–ª Paulinho Da Costa
Agora (Pablo OJCCD 630-2)
â–ª Airto Moreira
The Essential (Buddah BDS 5668-2 LP)
â–ª Nana Vasconcelos
Saudades (ECM1-1147 LP)
â–ª Papete
Berimbau E Percussao (Universal Sound USCD7)
â–ª Black Music Of South America
In Praise Of Oxalá And Other Gods (Nonesuch H-72036)
â–ª Sergio Mendes
Primal Roots (A&M L34603 LP)
â–ª Mickey Hart
Planet Drum (Rykodisc RCD 10206)
Highly recommended books include:
â–ª Almeida, Bira
Capoeira A Brazilian Art Form; History, Philosophy and Practice 1986
â–ª Rugendas, Joao M
Viagem Pitoresca Atraves do Brasil 1954
â–ª Shaffer, Kay
O Berimbau De Barriga e Seus Toques 1986